25m (27½yd) reels of 25mm (1") width top quality Cornish National tartan ribbon.
Polyester ribbon with stitched edges. Colourfast and approved for use with edible items. Authentic tartan ribbon from members of the Scottish Tartans Authority.
Minimum 5 metres @ $ 3.10 but can be sold in a 25mtr roll
Cornish National Tartan Ribbon is a relatively recent product, but its heritage can be found in the thousands of years of the Celtic history of Cornwall.
Sitting at the far South Western tip of the British Isles, Cornwall has traditionally never really considered itself properly "English", the people and culture preferring to identify with the fellow Celtic nations of Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Cornwall also shares Celtic links with the Bretons and with other parts of Northern Europe, developed over thousands of years of shared important trade routes, especially in lead and tin.
In the ancient Tumuli (burial grounds) found throughout Cornwall, fragments of checked/tartan cloth have frequently been unearthed. The Romans described the dress of the Western tribes of Britain as being a "loose tunic of chequered material ... drawn in at the waist by a leather belt". The Roman name given to the Celts that lived in the far South West was "Cornovi".
Cornish National tartan ribbon 25mm |
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